
Loving God, like the rainbow that reminds us of Your promises, please help people of every race and color to give You glory.

Lord Jesus, For life endowed with human dignity And freedom to worship You, I give You thanks and celebrate.

Loving Father, Please bless fathers, grandfathers, and godfathers with patience to teach repeatedly, both gentleness and strength, readiness to forgive, grace to love unconditionally, delight in seeing children grow, wisdom to lend a hand or let go, generosity to give of themselves while living faithfully, and the joy of life with You eternally.

Lord, when pain of body, mind, or spirit leave me feeling abandoned from Your care, please hold me close and let me feel Your love beyond compare.

Lord Jesus, When it would be easier to look the other way Than to do what I can to turn things around, Please grant me courage.

Lord Jesus, How wonderful it must have been for friends Who came to know You during Your lifetime.