
God, just as You accept me as I am, yet challenge me to be better, please grant me the grace to help bring out the best in others.

Heavenly Father, Please open my heart these summery days So that Your love may be more visible in me, As beautifully as a monarch emerging From its chrysalis.

Lord Jesus, May Your Most Sacred Heart teach me To love even when it means sacrifice, To forgive even when I still feel hurt, To pray fervently when following You is hard, To engage life fully on the journey, To serve when selfishness would be simpler, To look for You at every crossroads, To have faith when I am afraid,...

Today, I ask for grace, In everything I do, To take notice of my blessings And be filled with gratitude.

Blessed Virgin Mary, you responded with faith that, with God, all things are possible.

Blessed Virgin Mary, I come to you In closeness to your beloved Son, Hoping in prayer to more clearly see How to be one in faith and communion.

Lord Jesus, Like the plants that reach toward sunlight to grow and flourish, yet I thirst for water living.

St. Joseph, guardian of Jesus and chaste husband of Mary, you passed your life in loving fulfillment of duty.