
Lord Jesus, When I am a less than enthusiastic follower, Please refresh me in my zeal.

Lord Jesus, You spread the Gospel message Without computer, car, or phone.

Heavenly Father, As a child dependent On You for every care, Please help me to become A sign of the love You bear.

Lord Jesus, In the sunlight and shade of summer days, May I know You are always with me; As You, Lord, are constant in love and faith, Please grant whatever help I may need.

Lord Jesus, to a world in need of a Shepherd You came; may I follow You and never go astray.

Loving Father, May the water poured at my Baptism Continue as a wellspring of grace, Sanctifying me to live more fully For Your glory through a life of faith.

Lord Jesus, while I pray with hope in life eternal, I ask for the grace to bring hope in this world, wherever I can.