Advent Hope
Lord, my Savior, May the light of Your love shine Within my heart awaiting The celebration of Your birth And fill me with hope unfading.
Lord, my Savior, May the light of Your love shine Within my heart awaiting The celebration of Your birth And fill me with hope unfading.
God, our Father, Who promised descendants To number as stars in the sky, I join with the angelic choir Giving praise and glory on high.
Lord Jesus, The celebration of Your birth is near; Help me to draw nearer to You.
Blessed Virgin Mary and Saint Joseph, Please pray for all who are wondering now About the timing of events in their lives.
As Mary and Joseph traveled, Knowing that Your birth was near, May I never cease to seek You And rejoice to find You here.
May all I do today begin with you, O Lord.
Lord Jesus, During this Advent time of waiting, In my heart, may I prepare To welcome You on Christmas Day And Your love find ways to share.
Lord Jesus, You are with us always; may I never ignore Your love.
Lord, our Savior, In joy-filled anticipation, I come to You in prayer, Filled with renewed hope in the love You came to share.
Heavenly Father, In Your loving and gracious plan for me, Help me never to go astray, Following Jesus in humility, Who from His birth showed me the way.