
Lord God, I ask for the grace of Your Holy Spirit with faith that help is gladly given.

Blessed Virgin Mary, please pray for me, When, at times, I ask myself, "How can this be?" May I always trust in the Lord, And, in that trust, find serenity.

Lord Jesus, You invite people to gather around the Your table at Mass, to be nourished through Word and Eucharist.

Lord Jesus, I come to You in prayer and ask for the grace That I need on this day, in this time and place: To pray with confidence that You hold me dearly, Through good times and days when I grow weary; To welcome You thankfully and with praise, Knowing that You will seek me if I go astray; To...

For the Hungry


Heavenly Father, Where there is hunger in the world, may people sharing what they have nourish faith and hope.

Loving Father, Among the treasured blessings You have given to humankind Is the gift of freedom To seek You with heart, soul, and mind.

Heavenly Father, In the world, new discoveries are made, Wonders of Your all-knowing and loving creation.