
Jesus, my Savior, I come to You today, To ask for Your blessing in prayer.

Loving God, Although Your ways are far above mine, Sometimes I wish I could see Why things happen the way they do Or purpose not apparent to me.

Lord Jesus, You willingly shared our life and have known both suffering and joy.

Loving Lord Jesus, I pray for victims of every kind, For hope in You, who were victimized, too.

Blessed Virgin Mary, Assumed into heaven to become its Queen, Your soul and body made perfect, Please pray for fulfillment of my hope Of joining you, despite my flawed humanity.

O Immaculate Mary, Assumed into heaven, you who are most blessed in the vision of God: of God the Father who exalted you among all creatures, of God the Son who willed that you bear Him as your Son and that you should be His Mother, of God the Holy Spirit who accomplished the human conception of the Savior in you....

Heavenly Father, Although today is in many ways like many others, Each day is uniquely Your gift.

Blessed Virgin Mary, Whose beloved Son was snatched away, You know the loved ones I dearly miss.

Lord, You invite people to gather around the altar to be nourished by Your love.

Loving God, At the dawning of a summer day, may Your love reawaken in me the desire to humbly seek You.