
Lord Jesus, For all now facing a hard day and anyone not feeling very blessed today, Lord, I pray that you will make Your love more obvious, knowing that You understand.

Believing in You, Lord, may my heart rejoice; please let Your love direct my thoughts and guide my every choice.

Light of Faith


Risen Lord, wherever I journey on Earth, may Your Holy Spirit within me shine for others to see.

Lord Jesus, Transfigured before disciples in awe, May the glimpse You let them see Inspire and help me to follow You, Into eternal glory.

Lord Jesus, On this day and days to come, Help me as I seek to follow Your teaching Not to be afraid but just have faith That You help all to You outreaching.

Lord Jesus, When worries or anxieties cloud my outlook, Please bring me brighter days Through greater faith in Your care for me.

Blessed Virgin Mary, please pray That I will come to see The greatness of all things That God desires for me.

For Motherhood


Good St. Gerard, powerful intercessor before the throne of God, wonder-worker of our day, I call upon you and seek your aid.