
Lord Jesus, Among the gifts most treasured That you give to humankind, Thank You for the gift of freedom To seek You with heart and mind.

Marian Prayer


Mary, holy Mother, in your gentleness, Please bring this prayer to our Savior, For in the heart of your Son, the Lord Jesus, You hold a place of His favor.

Lord, I come as disciple adoring, For in You reside humility and glory.

Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, Source of every blessing and grace, Help me to see that You are near In joy and sorrows that I face.

Lord Jesus, In a world that values getting ahead, May I willingly follow You; In a world where people are given numbers, May I give thanks that You know me by name; In a world of uncertainty, May I trust that You are Truth; In a world where news is filled with violence, May more people believe that You came...

Lord, on days that I awaken refreshed, may I give You thanks for the gift of peaceful rest ; And when there is pain of any kind to bear, by Your nearness and comfort may I be blessed.

Lord, may Your grace enable me to be steadfast in the desire to serve You, seeking holy purpose, not just in prayer, sut even in the small tasks that I do.

In this time of changing seasons, O Lord, help me to see Where and why and how and when I need to change, too.

Gentle Lord Jesus, For loved ones no longer with me here, Though the love in my heart remains, I pray that You now hold them near, Without earthly sadness or pain.