Prayer for Hope
Lord, You came to share life with us here, The Father's compassion made known; May hope in You dispel all my fears, In me, the light of Your love be shown.
Lord, You came to share life with us here, The Father's compassion made known; May hope in You dispel all my fears, In me, the light of Your love be shown.
Heavenly Father, Creator of all life, I offer you thanks For every gift and grace.
Lord, You welcome every prayer.
Lord Jesus, the Word made flesh, When I am worried, anxious, or afraid, please grant me peace of heart, if only for the moments I spend reflecting on Your Word.
Loving God, Throughout the day today, Help me to look at things a little differently.
Lord, in all I do today, help me to put You first— to seek You who alone can satisfy every spiritual hunger and thirst.
God, our Creator, You made the world in the grandeur we behold.
Lord Jesus, You are with us always; May I never ignore Your love.
Lord Jesus, Help me to be a better disciple: To forgive more easily, To pray more gratefully, To help more spontaneously, To live my faith more openly, And to love more fully.
I pray for people known and unknown Struggling with discouragement and pain.