
Heavenly Father, On whom I depend for all that is good, I give You thanks for every blessing, Including gifts beyond what I have understood.

May I be as a child, growing in understanding, and may my faith increase, too, Cherishing the hope in possibilities That are only possible through You.


Blessed Virgin Mary, please join with me in prayer : For openness to the favors God holds out to me — the grace to look ahead with hope and live each moment faithfully; to trust in His love and wisdom with humility, for God knows when to go beyond the possibilities I see.

God, in everything that's happened this year, Both good and bad, We know that you were with us, Always loving and present.

Heavenly Father, I give You thanks That in every time and circumstance You place within eternity The potential of each moment— A lifetime opportunity.

Lord Jesus, Who came into the world With every human need, A child, yet born a Savior, Please grant us Christmas joy and peace.