
Lord, help me to serve You well Through the tasks at hand today, Mindful of the people whose lives I can touch in a meaningful way.

Heavenly Father, In each day, there is opportunity, and You invite us to partake; Help me reach out to You, solely for love's sake.

Lord Jesus, Recalling Your compassion, May I follow where You lead, And though I may falter at times, Find in You the strength I need.

Lord God, today, I ask for grace, In all that I say and do, To look around me, see my blessings, And live in wondrous gratitude.

In gratitude, I pray, for the lessons Jesus taught and for the glimpse He gives of heaven, the hope within a faithful heart.

Lord Jesus, who lived and died for us, When Your presence seems far away, May I reach out for Your healing touch, for the comfort of Your embrace.

For the Lonely


Lord Jesus, For all who feel loneliness or loss, I pray for companionship found In faith that You remain with us always, Loving with love that knows no bounds.