
Lord Jesus, Crowds gathered to listen to Your words As You spoke in ways that changed their lives.

Almighty God, Creator, You lovingly made all things, Fashioned in Your goodness and given; Help me to use the blessings I have With faith in a light not meant to be hidden.

Lord Jesus, I come to You in prayer and ask for the grace That I need on this day, in this time and place :

As the days grow longer, With each sunrise may I be reminded That You sent Your Son To be light for the world!

Heavenly Father, I give You thanks and praise, for You do not abandon me, though in sin I turn away.

Lord Jesus, When health in body, mind or spirit Has given way to pain, I bring to You the suffering I bear, In faith, not in complaint.

Lord Jesus, in places of violence and strife, may Your peace instead of weaponry pierce people's hearts.