
Lord, My Hope


Lord, You are my hope, For You desire only what is best for me.

Heavenly Father, When I dream big, Increase my faith, too, For with You all things are possible.

Lord Jesus, When I come to You in prayer, Pleading because the time seems long, Please be with me for the distance, And help me bear the pace.

Mary, Queen of Heaven, please be with me when I need reminding that, with God, all things are possible.

Lord Jesus, There is much in this world beyond what I can remedy, And so I come to You in prayer: For peace where there is war And for peacemakers; For the hungry and homeless And those who provide what they can; For the abandoned and abused And for unsung heroes; For the dehumanized and demoralized And for the gentle-hearted who bring hope....

Jesus, my Savior, I come to You today, To ask for Your blessing in prayer.

Loving God, Although Your ways are far above mine, Sometimes I wish I could see Why things happen the way they do Or purpose not apparent to me.