
O Lord, our merciful God, we lift our hearts to You in this sacred season of fasting and repentance, seeking Your grace to cleanse our souls and purify our hearts from all sin that hinders our journey to You.

O Archangel Gabriel, faithful messenger of God, You who brought the good news to the Virgin Mary, Help me to hear God's voice in my life, And strengthen me to accept His will with obedience and love.

Lenten Prayer


Heavenly Father, as we journey through this Lenten season, help us to draw closer to You.

Loving God
As the days grow longer, With each sunrise may I be reminded That You sent Your Son To be light for the world!
In the rains that water Ground trampled and dry, may I be reminded, As on the road to Emmaus, Of the yearning for Words of life! And if a rainbow should appear And...

Lord Jesus Christ, Son of the Living God, in this holy season of Lent, we come before You with contrite and humble hearts.

faithful protector of Jesus and Mary, we turn to you in our need, trusting in your powerful intercession.