موقع "مسيحي" أسّسه ويديره كهنة و علمانيّون ينتمون إلى الكنيسة الكاثوليكية الجامعة الرسوليّة

Loving God, As I continue my faith journey, I give You thanks that the Holy Spirit Accompanies me every step of the way.

Lord, I know that You are already Countless steps ahead of me, Yet I long to interact with You In all that I pray and do.

Heavenly Father, You animate my being, and I ask for grace to fulfill Every task before me as I seek to do Your will.

Blessed Virgin Mary, our gentle mother, Please bring comfort in times of sickness or discouragement, And ask Your beloved Son, Jesus, To heal those who are suffering Or to grant increased grace To remain faithful despite struggles in body, mind, or spirit.

Loving Father, May the cleansing from original sin Continue to make my spirit free, Not to do heedlessly what I want, But to choose the path You ask of me.

Loving God, I ask that there will always be within my heart a quiet room to meet You in serenity.

Lord Jesus, may I grow in faith day by day, with Mary and Joseph helping me to follow Your holy way.

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